
In addition to beautiful old architecture and canals, great beer and cheese, etc. what else catches the attention of most visitors to The Netherlands? …The number of bikes, and people on bikes … Bicycles, you see them everywhere!

And most people have saddlebags on their bikes, which they use to transport their groceries, shopping, books etc:

Some owners of bicycles chose to have baskets on the front, and in the case of the bike below, also a child seat in the back:

But the point is that virtually everyone rides their bikes on a daily basis:

From young
To old

Following are a couple examples of cargo bikes, or bakfiets as they are called.
Many shops do their deliveries by these bakfiets (literally box-bikes).

Parents and grandparents use bakfiets like the following to drop off their kids at the nursery or school etc:

Babies learn balance from being ridden on their mom’s bike, and as small children soon are riding their own bicycles.

Whole families go on biking trips together: dad, mom and the kids:

Nowadays, electric bikes have grown in popularity. (And with e-bikes, you also see more people wearing bicycle helmets, though helmets are not mandated in The Netherlands.)

For longer distances, most people take the train and so park their bike free-of charge at the train station.

The bike racks in most stations in the larger cities have a two-tiered type of bike racks, whereby another layer of parked bikes is created above the bicycles on the bottom level.

Or you can choose to use a foldable bicycle that you can take on the train with you.

In any case, when in Holland, do as the Dutch do! –Bike!

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To read more about Holland, click following links: MadurodamHolland’s Water SystemDelta Works